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New Ride

How dare you trade in

that old grey truck!

I know you in that truck.

Recognize you on the road.

The distinctive rattle as you approach,

the whiff of burning oil.

A wave. A honk.

Yes, a few parts were rusting off.

The front grill was taped together.

Yes, it started with a cough,

or something more like a bark.

Yes, it squealed and shimmied

if you stamped on the brakes.

The mileage was…

well… if the odometer worked

the mileage would be beyond count.

But for 30 years I knew you in that truck

Passed me on the road most every day.

A rattle. A whiff.

A wave. A honk.

Now some slick red truck flies by me.

Clean. Odorless. Quiet.

There’s a wave, and a honk.

But is it you?

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