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You would think he ate nails

for breakfast, combed his beard

with barbed wire (if he combed

it at all), could bend steel with

his bare hands.


You would not think that

he writes poetry about the

snow, or for decades has

nurtured a small orchard

of sweet fruits.


His gnarled fingers look

grimed and dangerous,

but can suss out a faltering

pulse from a fainting wrist.


He hikes the mountains,

yes, conquers them


but stops mid-stream

to set the boots aside,

walking the water course

in bare feet to better feel

the stones.


Eventually, the plan is that

he will be buried with his

housemates in a sacred circle,

all toes pointing to the center,

with hands folded upon his

breast and his closed eyes

looking up to the bright stars.

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