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Meeting Place

30 years ago it was

scrub and prickers.

Of course, 30 years

before that it was

sturdy oak and beech,

soft hemlock and

slender birch.

But when the trees

were cut, the stumps

remained and the

prickers took over.


It has been many years now.

Many sweaty days of excavators,

of chain saws and of scything,

followed by mowing and the

scattering of seeds.


Seasons of rain.


Seasons of snow.


Finally, it is a

meadow of delight.


If I had a wish or a blessing

on this cold night, it would be

that all of your voices (that

I know only as beautiful words) 

could meet in my meadow.

We could read to each other.


Or maybe,

not say anything

at all.

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