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Lunch Along The Road

Today around noonish

as an early autumn rain drifted down,

I ambled up the hill to glean my midday meal

from my neighbor’s garden (on vacation for a week)

from a long past farmer (name unknown to me)

from a considerate bird (who pooped out a seed                                            

onto a receptive square of earth).  


I feasted on

three small tomatoes and spicy leaf of basil

a twisted carrot, crisp and rooty

two red ripe strawberries…really!

a sweet cider apple, still gritty from the roadside

a bunch of wild grapes, pungent and wine-like


Wandering back down the hill, I foraged for the teapot

a delicate sprig of chamomile

a few fat clover blossoms

a crimson cone of sumac

a fragrant clutch of mint


Home again, shaking off my coat,

I spy the final treasure

perched upon the door sill.

A perfect peach, with a note

      guess who?



I am finally



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